By Eden Admin
Shelley Reynolds, a trustee of Eden’s Trust, decided with the help of her parents and the loan of their 120ft garden, to have a garden party. This took a lot of preparation by Tom and Rita Reynolds (we are truly grateful for all their hard work). This fundraiser was going to be a sort of clothes sale with all proceeds going to Eden’s Trust. In fact, there was only one clothes stall, a jewellery stall and a stall with necklaces and bracelets made by children – these were more than enough as there was so much fun to be had in the garden. Oh, what a fun day. Tom spent hours making stocks (take a look at the pictures on our Gallery page). People paid £1.00 to throw 3 wet sponges at the person who had their head and hands in the stocks. Elli paid a fiver just so she could get Shelley Reynolds drenched! We had poetry readings, we had Zumba taster sessions, we had food and drinks, but most of all, we had fun and laughter! Elli gave a talk about Eden’s Trust and the work we are aiming to achieve. People shed a tear but Elli held it together. Another successful event for Eden’s Trust and a step from the east of London to the south of London to spread the word.